Altera: highstreet Marktstraat 6-8, en Burgemeester Loeffplein 1
The individual store building in Den Bosch is located in the city center, which primarily serves non-daily shopping needs. Den Bosch is a large city of 150,000 inhabitants in the province of Noord-Brabant.
The individual store building has an A2 location within the city center. The A1 shopping district is at a walking distance of 100 metres.
Locatus qualifies the unit as an A2 retail location. The asset has three tenants: Men at Work, Esprit and Bever Zwerfsport. Lease contracts have been renewed for long terms, such that the risk of vacancy is limited.
This certification relates to the following address numbers: Marktstraat 6-8, en Burgemeester Loeffplein 1